Are You Working On The Wall Treatment For Your Italian Restaurant?
If you are opening your own Italian food restaurant, you must be very excited. You also must be very busy, as you take care of all the details that need to be addressed before opening day. Do some of those details include what you will do with the walls in your Italian restaurant? If so, from arranging for commercial painting to ordering Italian artwork to be framed, here are some ideas that might help you.
Arrange For Commercial Painting
Maybe you are so comfortable with painting the walls of your restaurant yourself that you don't need professionals to do the job for you. However, if you've done wall painting before, you already know that it's a tremendous job. Why would you tackle that yourself when you have a list a mile long of other things that need your attention?
Professionals who focus on commercial painting will have the skills and the experience to do a great job on your walls. As you consider the colors you'll select for the wall paint, think of going with red, white, and green, the colors of the Italian flag. For instance, the majority of the wall could be painted white, and thin green and red stripes could be added to the paint design.
Another idea is to have the commercial painters give the walls the look of Italian marble. A worker who is skilled at faux painting could make the walls look so much like marble that your customers won't have a clue that it's actually an excellent paint job.
Frame Italian Artwork
If you went with a white background for the walls of your restaurant, that means that anything you choose to frame and hang will work really well. Think of framing travel posters that show places like Naples, Rome, Pisa, Florence, and other Italian towns.
Another idea is to frame reproductions of artwork. Can you imagine how a likeness of the statue of David or of the famous Mona Lisa would look on your walls? Stenciling with an Italian theme will add pizzaz to the walls, too. For example, the commercial painters could stencil Italian expressions like Mamma Mia! Che Bella! Uffa! and Che Ne So. The stenciling could be done in green and red to complement the red and green stripes you selected. Besides that, all of your servers will know what those expressions mean so they can satisfy the curiosity of your customers.